Term Two- Week Two

Friday 10th November
Another busy and exciting week of learning. We have also started practising our carol concert ready for you all in December.   As writers, we have been planning, writing and editing incredible setting descriptions based on Snail and Whale.   As mathematicians, we have been looking at facts

Term Two-Week One

Friday 3rd November
A very warm welcome back to you all. We hope you had a wonderful half term and are ready for a busy term two, leading up to Christmas. As writers this week, we have been exploring our new book, ‘The Snail and the Whale’. We have been using skills of

Term One-Week 6

Friday 13th October
In year Two we are enjoying all aspects of learning, which is brilliant. We’ve had another jam packed week and we have enjoyed meeting with you all to talk about your wonderful children during Parents Evening. This week, we started our new writing enquiry-learning how to write reports (non-chronological). We

Term One-Week 4

Friday 29th September
Another brilliantly, busy week! Your children are a joy to teach. As writers, we have been learning our new book, ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ and remembering key events and using story language to help with our retelling. We have then created a story s and drawn the pictures to help

Term One-Week Three

Friday 22nd September
Another superb week of learning. We are so impressed with how much year two are grappling and persevering. As mathematicians, we have been continuing our learning of place value. We have used dienes to show how many tens and ones are in a number. Later on in the week we

Term One-Week Two

Friday 15th September
We’ve had another brilliantly, busy week, this week. The new routines of the classroom are being remembered and the children are really stepping up to the challenge of year 2. As writers we have been recapping our rules for writing. Spelling, grammar and punctuation. We’ve been going on noun hunts,

Week 1-Welcome to Pluto class

Tuesday 12th September
Welcome to Year 2!! Your children have settled in so well and have taken year 2 into their stride. This week we have been very busy and have been enjoying learning about Changes and our new book-Change Sings. As writers, we have been looking what we can do to make

Term 6-Week 7

Friday 21st July
It’s our final week!! We can’t believe this is our final week. We will miss your children beyond words but know they will have such a brilliant experience in Years3/4. We have still been very busy learning this week. As a school we had

Term 6-Week 6

Friday 14th July
Penultimate Week We can’t quite believe it is the penultimate week! Where has this year gone! On Monday, we were fortunate enough to watch year 5/6 production. If you are coming to watch it, you are in for a treat. It was exceptional. On

Term 6-Week 5

Wednesday 5th July
Another exciting and busy week 5 for year 2! As readers, we have been sharing our reading books with Sputnik Class. This is to help us get ready for our move to KS2. We had the best time and left with huge smiles on our faces.