Week beg: 23rd May

Wednesday 25th May
EYFS This week we have enjoyed looking at our beans to see if they have grown. Each group has produced a video to explain what has happened and we have drawn the conclusion that for a plant to grow it needs sunlight, water and air. (See videos created on tapestry)

Week Beg: 9th June

Wednesday 11th May
EYFS This week we have been on a walk around our school to spot different trees and plants. We identified some trees that live all year – I wonder if your child can remember the name of this type of tree.   In Phonics we have been practising to

Week Beg: 3rd May

Tuesday 3rd May
EYFS This week we have planted beans in different materials and in different places. We will be watching to see which / how the beans grow over the next few weeks -watch tapestry for updates. We are hoping to find out what a plant needs to grow and how it

Week Beg: 25.4.22

Wednesday 27th April
EYFS Hope you had a lovely Easter break. On Monday we went for a spring walk around our school spotting signs of spring. This week we have started our new enquiry project – How do plants survive? We have drawn plants and taken a plant apart to name the

Week Beg: 4th April

Wednesday 6th April
Year 1 This week as part of our Design technology we have been making adaption to our houses models. We have talked about what went well when creating our models and how we could improve them if we were to make them again. In phonics we have been learning about

Week Beg : 21st March

Tuesday 22nd March
EYFS This week we drew pictures to represent the 5 different stages of the story ‘The three little pigs’. We used the pictures to retell the story.   As scientists we have been thinking about why materials are used for certain objects e.g. Why do we use glass for windows

Week Beg: 14th March

Wednesday 16th March
EYFS This week we have enjoyed our new book ‘ The three little pigs’ we have been acting out the story in our small world area. We have also produced a story S  where we draw pictures to represent the different parts of the story. Can you ask your child


Friday 11th March
Below is the link for you to watch our poetry assembly. Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFr02m1QZ44&list=PLOLPZd6C33m3uF4R5OPmeyUvdAfLAFszs  

‘Eye on Uphill’ – newspaper report

Friday 11th March
Please find attached an excellent newspaper report by a pupil in our school William Blackburn called ‘The eye on Uphill’ .  Eye on Uphill  

Week Beg: 7th March

Wednesday 9th March
  EYFS This week we have started a new book ‘ In every house on every street’ We have talked about what we like and don’t like about the book. We have talked about how houses inside and out can be different and similar. Here is the link if you