Celebration Assembly

Friday 13th November
This weeks celebration assembly winners are: Rainbow- Leo for trying so hard with his maths learning this week and enjoying the challenge of adding three numbers together. He kept persevering even when it got challenging. Also, he has done some excellent reading and has taken his first reading book home.

Photos from this week 9.11.2020

Friday 13th November
We have had a lovely week in EYFS/Year 1 learning all about Armistice day and discussing what it means to us. We have created some beautiful art work of poppies with different materials. We also learnt about Divali, the festival of light, and ended the week raising awareness for Children

Phonic Support Materials for Parents

Tuesday 10th November
Here is a link to Foundation Stage phonics support video https://uphill-primary-school.primarysite.media/media/eyfs-parent-phonic-support-video Here is the link to Year One phonics support video https://uphill-primary-school.primarysite.media/media/year-one-phonic-parent-support-video Please find booklets, sound mats and information to help you and your child with phonics and reading at home. Please feel free to email us if you have

Celebration Assembly 06.11.20

Friday 6th November
This weeks celebration assembly winners are: All of year one for trying a new Protocol-carouselling and showing such grit and determination. Rainbow-Remy for excellent writing on his likes, dislikes, puzzles and connections of our new book. Sunshine-Stanley for being amazing when reading his first book at home. Saturn-George for being

Welcome back to term 2

Friday 6th November
We have been very busy this week. We have started our new book, Katie Morag and the New Pier. We have looked at what we liked about the book and described some of the settings. Lastly we looked at retelling the story using a story s. We have also been

Celebration Assembly

Monday 19th October
This weeks celebration assembly winners are: Rainbow-Nevaeh for her excellent writing about Autumn. Sunshine-Stanley for always being so kind and considerate to all around him and Hazel for drawing trees throughout the seasons. Saturn-Harrison for being a brilliant weather reporter. Well done to you all.  

This weeks photos 19.10.20

Monday 19th October
This week and last week was all about weather and autumn. We talked about how the weather and seasons change. We have also been looking at what we have learnt over term 1. We used our project boards to help us recap what the terminology of Human (man made) and

Photos of our learning over the last two weeks in October

Monday 12th October
This week we have been learning all things maps. We made maps of our bedrooms, school and we looked at Uphill and how it has changed over time. We then made a map of Uphill Village now. We were shocked with how many more houses there are now

Work of the week EYFS/Year One for WB 5.10.20

Monday 12th October
Rainbow-Yara, Maya, Hannah, Sophie, Oliver, Tallulah, Alfie for being amazing artists. Sunshine-Lilly for her beautiful map of Uphill. Saturn-Valentina for her detailed map of Uphill.    


Saturday 10th October
  This week we have been creating maps. We have created maps of our school, classroom and Uphill village. Children were then keen to create their own maps adding signs , buildings and treasure!