This weeks photos 19.10.20

Monday 19th October
This week and last week was all about weather and autumn. We talked about how the weather and seasons change. We have also been looking at what we have learnt over term 1. We used our project boards to help us recap what the terminology of Human (man made) and

Photos of our learning over the last two weeks in October

Monday 12th October
This week we have been learning all things maps. We made maps of our bedrooms, school and we looked at Uphill and how it has changed over time. We then made a map of Uphill Village now. We were shocked with how many more houses there are now

Work of the week EYFS/Year One for WB 5.10.20

Monday 12th October
Rainbow-Yara, Maya, Hannah, Sophie, Oliver, Tallulah, Alfie for being amazing artists. Sunshine-Lilly for her beautiful map of Uphill. Saturn-Valentina for her detailed map of Uphill.    


Saturday 10th October
  This week we have been creating maps. We have created maps of our school, classroom and Uphill village. Children were then keen to create their own maps adding signs , buildings and treasure!

Terms 1 & 2 – E is For Explorers

Wednesday 16th September
In terms 1 and 2 will be doing a geography and history based project, where will be learning about our local area and looking at where we are within our country. We will be learning all about maps and using these to look at our local area. We will also

Welcome to the Rainbow, Sunshine and Saturn Class Blog

Wednesday 16th September
We hope you have had a lovely summer break and we are so excited to see you all and welcome you back for a new school year!  Lots of things will be the same as you remember them with a few small changes to help keep you safe. We will