Week beginning 24th May

Monday 24th May
Well can you believe that it is the last week before half term? In science this week, we were looking at different cloud formations using a view finder and then identify them. Cirrus clouds are found high in the sky and look like feathers of brush strokes. Stratus clouds are

Week beginning 17th May

Thursday 20th May
On Friday 14th May, the whole school took part in The Big Run/ Walk. Year 3 and 4 had great fun running, walking and skipping around the track.                                          

Week beginning Monday 12th July

Thursday 13th May
This week the children have been writing quest stories. We set our stories in a rainforest which was being destroyed by terrifying machines. In our stories, a wide variety of animals including anacondas, spider monkeys, koalas and poisonous dart frogs, faced numerous dangers as they travelled to the city to

Year 4 Times Table Check

Thursday 6th May
As discussed during the Parents Evening, the Year 4 children will be doing a times tables check in June. Please find attached below information for parents and links to Mathsframe and Daily 10 which will help children to learn their times tables. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct5cDctLVTI&list=PL6gGtLyXoeq9eWA31dGs2RmsAM8jDhDXs&index=2 https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10

Week beginning 4.05.21

Wednesday 5th May
What a sporty few weeks we have had in Year 3 and 4. Last Thursday we worked out with Mr Motivator and this week, we all took part in a brilliant Pentathlon organized by Mr Huntley. The children challenged themselves during activities such as a standing long jump, a ball

Week beginning 26th April

Friday 30th April
Well what a busy second week back. The children have been extremely active this week pedaling and walking to school, working out with Mr Motivator and engaging in the daily active challenge. It was also a pleasure catching up with lots of mums and dads during Parents Evening. If you

Term 5 – Week 1

Friday 23rd April
Welcome to Term 5 Welcome back after the Easter break. Hopefully you were able to enjoy some sunshine and the easing of restrictions. We have had a very busy week re-establishing our classroom routines and learning expectations in year 3/4. It has been lovely having everyone back in

Term 4 – Week 6

Thursday 1st April
Term 4 – Week 6 This week we have concluded our project ‘Who was the Greatest Explorer’ by considering exploration and the impacts it has had on our lives. In English we wrote persuasively on the topic of ‘Is the world a better place because of exploration?’. We

Week beginning 22nd March

Monday 29th March
This week we started work on writing a persuasive argument about whether it is a good thing for people to go exploring. We have looked at the the features of persuasive arguments and thought about reasons for and against. We created some persuasive posters.   In science, we

Friday 19th March
Week 4 It has been another busy week. The children have been writing up their adventure stories set in the jungle. They have worked hard editing and improving their stories and have since completed their final drafts. They have been writing about searching for lost cities, temples and statutes to