Y3/4 week beginning 07.12.20

If your child is off for more than 3 days, please find the timetable and work set for the week beginning 07.12.20

Year 3 and 4 timetable 07-12-20

Microsoft Teams

Use this link for Microsoft Teams

Once you are there, you will need your email address and password – these can be found inside the front cover of your home/school diary or red books.

This week…

This week, it is assessment week in year 3/4. For some of our Maths and English lessons, children will be given an assessment task. These will help inform us where children are confident with the objectives learned as well as identify any gaps that need support. They are nothing to be worried about. If you are not in school for these, please can you use the lesson time for maths to practice your times tables instead. You can use your sumdog or ttrockstars accounts for this. You may also want to check out the following websites to play some times table games to help them stick – practice makes perfect!



For English – there is a reading task set on sumdog that you can take part in, in place of the reading assessment.



Maths arithmetic assessment.


Reading assessment – please use sumdog to carry out the grammar task set on there.


Finding out about James I and creating a factfile.

How did the Tudor Age end?

James I Factfile Template



Maths reasoning and problem solving assessment.


Tuesday – Lesson 1 – Tudor Poetry

English – Lesson 1


Choose an activity from our project grid to have a go at.

Tudor Project Grid 



Practise your 3 and 6 times tables, use these worksheets to help you:

The 3 Times Table 2

The 3 Times Table 1

The 6 Times Table 2

The 6 Times Table 1


Wednesday – Lesson 2 – Reading Task

English – Lesson 2


Sound assessment



Practise your 4 and 8 times tables, you can use these worksheets to help you:

The 4 Times Table 2

The 4 Times Table 1

The 8 Times Table 2

The 8 Times Table 1


Thursday – Lesson 3 – plan a poem

English – Lesson 3



Practise your 7 and 9 times tables – you can use these worksheets to help you:

The 9 Times Table 1

The 9 Times Table 2

The 7 Times Table 1

The 7 Times Table 2


Friday – Lesson 4 – write a poem