Term 1 – Week 1

Thursday 8th September
Welcome to Year 2! Pluto class: Miss Porter (Monday/Tuesday) Mrs. Lorimer (Wednesday-Friday) Mrs Oliffe and Mrs. Bramfitt (teaching partners) Mrs Owen will cover PPA in Pluto every other Tuesday morning and every other Friday morning Jupiter

Term 6- Week 6

Friday 15th July
Week 6 We can’t believe we only have one week left of year 2! What a lovely week it has been. As scientists this week for our enquiry, we looked at animals that are endangered because of their habitats being endangered and why this might be.

Term 6- Week 5

Monday 11th July
Week 5 What a fantastic week in the sun! In English we have continued our book ‘Superworm’! We innovated the story by changing the characters, the problem and the resolution. We planned it and then wrote it up using amazing adjectives and story language.

Term 6- Week 4

Friday 1st July
Week 4 What a lovely week! In English we have continued our book ‘Superworm’! We made a class story S to help us retell the story with actions before drawing our own. We then innovated the story by changing the hero, the villain, the

Term 6- Week 3

Thursday 23rd June
Week 3 What an exciting week in Year 2! In English we have continued our new book ‘Superworm’! We wrote a persuasive piece of writing to Wizard Lizard to convince him to let Superworm go. We thought of brilliant arguments and use persuasive language.

Term 6- Week 2

Thursday 16th June
   Week 2 What a lovely week in Year 2! In English we have started our new book ‘Superworm’! We predicted what thought may happen , have done lots of book talk where we have discussed our likes and dislikes and then produced some brilliant character

Term 6- Week 1

Friday 10th June
Week 1 Welcome back! We have had a lovely first week back of our last term as Year 2. In English we have been doing lots of SPaG and have recapped sentence types and adding suffixes to words such as -ful, -less, -ment and -ness.

Term 5- Week 5

Friday 27th May
Week 5 What a fantastic last week of term! In English we have been writing letters to King Charles II offering our advice on how he should rebuild London after the fire. We thought about how we would change the houses, the streets, St Paul’s Cathedral

Term 5- Week 4

Friday 20th May
  Week 4 Another fantastic week in Year 2. In English we have been busy finishing and publishing our persuasive leaflets about London. We have finished them with our best handwriting and pictures and they look amazing! On Monday, as Historians, we investigated where The

Term 5- Week 3

Wednesday 11th May
Week 3 We have had such a lovely week in Year 2. In English we have been busy writing a persuasive leaflet about London. We used brilliant adjectives to describe what it’s like to explain to the reader why they must visit.