Term 4-Week 2

Friday 3rd March
What an interesting week we have had! Thank you to everyone who entered our story in a jar competition and for those who attended our bed time stories evening on Wednesday. We also loved seeing all of the World Book Day costumes on Friday! We enjoyed our time

Term 4-Week 1

Friday 24th February
Welcome Back! We hope you’ve had a wonderful half term and are ready for the delights term 4! This week, has been a very busy week. We are continuing with our history enquiry this term learning all about Who were the Victorians? As part

Term 3- Week 6

Wednesday 8th February
Our last week of term 3 and it has been another busy week. This week we have been focusing on Mental Health Week and E-Safety week. On Monday we read the story of ‘The Invisible String’ see link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlUxXexjhYI We

Term 3 Week 5

Wednesday 1st February
Another busy week in Year 2 We’ve been learning even more about Electricity and have been learning about how to keep safe when using electricity. We have found out some amazing things during this term. We were fascinated to learn that some things are insulators and some were

Term 3 – Week 4

Friday 27th January
This week has been a fantastic week! This highlight has certainly been our WOW morning for our history enquiry! We got to handle lots of different Victorian artefacts, dress in Victorian clothing and tried out some Victorian activities such as weaving, handwriting and making our own

Term 3 Week 3

Tuesday 17th January
Term 3 Week 3 Wow, what an exciting week we have had. This week as scientists we learnt all about circuits and even created our own. We found out what made an incomplete and a complete circuit and how it works.  

Term 3 – Week 1 & 2

Wednesday 11th January
Welcome Back! We hope everyone had an amazing break over Christmas and we cannot wait to show you all of the fantastic learning we get up to. Jupiter Class are very lucky to have Miss Garcia-Perez join us for terms 3 & 4. We

Term 2 Week 7

Tuesday 13th December
It’s our last week! Thank you for supporting our year 2’s over the last couple of terms. We want to wish you all the most magical Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2023!!! This week in year 2 we have been writing our

Term 2 Week 6

Thursday 8th December
It’s Carol Concert Week! Thank you to everyone who showed up to support our Year 2’s at this years Carol Concert. We have oved practicing over the last few weeks and it as super special to share it with you all! As writers

Term 2 Week 5

Wednesday 30th November
We have been presenters this week! Year 2 will be holding a carol concert next week at St Nicholas’s Church by the park on Thursday 8th December at 2:15pm. In the meantime, if you would like to practice any songs with you children the