Week Beginning 18.01.21
Hello everyone,
All these resources and plans will be on a memo on tapestry.
Videos to support the teaching of phonics, maths and writing will be uploaded to Tapestry.
Assemblies with Mrs Hodder will be posted on a Monday and a Friday, please follow the link below:
Please find below the timetable
Plans for the week
EYFS planning
Please click on the plans below-videos to support the plans on Tapestry.
Resources for phonics this week
Resources for maths this week
ten frame EYFS maths Tues Thurs
Writing planning for both EYFS and Year One
Please click on the plans below-videos to support the plans on Tapestry.
Resources for writing this week
Wesnesday afternoon-space solar system display and cut outs if you wish
Year One planning
Resources for phonics this week
Resources for maths this week
Project plans for the week
Home Learning Project Grid Term 3 EYFS Y1
Home Learning MUSIC Grid Term 3 EYFS Y1