Term 6 – Week 3

Friday 25th June
Term 6 – Week 3 We have had a very exciting week in Year 2 this week! We took part in our KS1 sports day and had lots of fun! We participated in a rotation of different activities and then enjoyed our running races at the

Term 6 – Weeks 1 & 2

Friday 18th June
Welcome back to Term 6! We have had an amazing first 2 weeks back and have been learning all about our new project! For term 6 our new project is called ‘What makes animals amazing?’ We will be learning about all animals no matter

Term 5 Week 6

Thursday 27th May
The Last week of term 5! What a way to end a fabulous term. We have had beautiful weather and amazing, fun learning experiences. We have continued with our learning about shapes this week in year 2 and have moved onto looking at 3D shapes. The

Term 5 Week 5

Friday 21st May
What a brilliant week! We have had a very exciting week in year 2. in English this week we have time travelled back to 1666 and we have written a diary entry all about our experience during The Great Fire. The children have thought of some amazing ways

Term 5 Week 4

Friday 14th May
We have had another wonderful week this week! We have been enjoying watching our cress seeds and plants grow and observing how they have changed over the week! We have also had great fun learning about the life cycle of a plant and enjoyed acting it out and

Term 5 Week 3

Friday 7th May
5 days of fun fitted into 4! Jupiter and Pluto class have been absolutely amazing this week making sure we continued all of our hard work. Jupiter class had an amazing time trying out our third and final mechanism in DT. This week we were learning

Term 5 Week 2

Friday 30th April
What have we been up to this week? Year 2 has had a busy week this week and have been doing some FANTASTIC learning!   We have continued our learning all about mechanisms this week and built a car focusing on how wheels and

Term 5 Week 1

Thursday 22nd April
Welcome Back! We have had a fantastic first week back in year 2 and have been learning lots of new things. We have started learning about our new project ‘What Made London Burn?’ all about The Great Fire of London. We have asked lots of

Term 4 – Week 6

Thursday 1st April
Term 4 – Week 6 We have had a wonderful final week of term with lots of exciting things! We have enjoyed a fantastic Easter bonnet parade and an exciting Easter egg hunt! Thank you for all the effort you made with your beautiful Easter bonnets! Well done

Term 4 Week 5

Friday 26th March
What an exciting week we’ve had!   We have been super busy in year 2 this week and have learnt lots of new skills. We started off our week talking about what team work looks like and how we can work together as a class and