Week beginning 27th March

Friday 31st March
Well, what a busy term that has been! Thank you to all the parents that made it to our Presentation of Learning this week. It was great to see so many faces and to be able share our learning from this term with you…        

Week beginning 20th March

Friday 24th March
This week year 3/4 went on their trip to Bristol to visit, ‘The Matthew’. It was a great day for all three classes and it helped us to imagine what it would have been like to be an explorer from the ‘Age of Exploration.’ We learned about John Cabot and

Week beginning 13th March

Friday 17th March
Year 3/4 have been working hard again this week… In art we have been looking at the artist Paul Klee. We discovered that he was influenced by balance, music and colour. We looked at several pieces of his art work. We talked about what we could see in the paintings

Week beginning 6th March

Friday 10th March
This week has been an adventure – we’re afraid we don’t have any pictures to share as we’ve been so busy with our learning. In English we have been continuing to work on our writing based on the book Varjak Paw. We have been thinking about the setting and how

Week beginning 27th February

Friday 3rd March
This week in school we have had a focus on World Book Day. This means that we have been doing lots of activities related to reading. The week was launched with an assembly about the event. Children got creative and made ‘Story Jars’ at home to bring in – we

Week beginning 20th February

Friday 24th February
Welcome back after the half term holiday – we hope you managed to have a restful and relaxing break! Our theme in PSHE this term is, ‘Healthy Me’. We played a game called Jigsaw Jaz says to help us think about the effects of exercise on our body. We then

Week beginning 6th February

Friday 10th February
Year 3/4 have been learning about Rock and Soil in science this term. We shared our learning with year 2. The year 3/4 children certainly rose to the challenge to become teachers and explain what they had learned…                    

Week beginning 30th January

Friday 3rd February
In Year 3/4, as part of our theme in PSHE, ‘Dreams and Goals’, we have been finding out about Jane Goodall. She had a dream when she was younger to work with animals. She was given a toy chimp which she called Jubilee and this led to her love of

Week beginning 23rd January

Friday 27th January
It’s been another busy week in year 3/4! This week in our PE lessons we have been concentrating on working with a partner to create large and small shapes as part of our dance lessons. We then moved on to make bridging shapes.          

Week beginning 16th January

Friday 20th January
Yet again it has been a very busy week in Year 3 and 4. During our enquiry work, we have been finding out why Europeans from the 15 century went exploring. This week we discovered that it was to establish trade routes, for gold, silk and spices and for scientific