Term 5- Week 3

Friday 5th May
Week 3 We have had a lovely week learning about and celebrating the coronation! We have had lots of fun activities including a special lunch today outside. This week in phonics Year 1 have been learning alternative spellings: /s/(house) /z/(please) /u/ (some)/i/ (happy) whilst EYFS have

Term 5- Week 2

Friday 28th April
Week 2 In phonics, Year 1 have been learning alternative spelling e.g. /n/ (gnat), /k/ (knit) /r/ wrap, /s/ (listen) We have talked about n, k, r, s being silent letters in words. EYFS have been learning to read and write words containing 4 phonemes e.g. m and

Term 5- Week 1

Friday 21st April
Week 1 What a lovely first week of summer term! This week we have loved going for Spring walks to see any signs of spring. We spotted lots of new life, leaves and flowers growing and bees pollinating flowers! We then wrote some sentences about what

Term 4- Week 5 & 6

Thursday 30th March
We have had a lovely last 2 weeks of term. In the last couple of weeks we have been looking closely at spring and Easter, thinking about and observing the changes that we are noticing. We had a lovely assemble from Reverend Madely to find our

Term 4- Week 4

Friday 17th March
Week 4 In phonics Year 1 have been learning alternative pronunciations: ou (you), ou (could, mould) , y (by), y (gym). EYFS have been revisiting sounds: oo (book, zoom) ar ( car) or ( sword) ur ( curl). In Maths we have been counting in tens

Term 4- Week 3

Friday 10th March
  Week 3 This week in phonics EYFS have reinforcing phonemes: ure, er as well as common exception word: her. Year 1 have been learning the alternative pronunciations for ow (snow) ie ( chief) ea (head). In maths this week, the EYFS children will consolidate their

Term 4- Week 2

Friday 3rd March
Week 2 This week was world book week! We have had a fantastic time taking part in lots of fun activities such as a teacher story swap, a bedtime story in our Pj’s and a stop and read day! We also loved dressing up and looking at everyone’s

Term 4- Week 1

Thursday 23rd February
Week 1 Welcome back to term 4. As Historians we have started our new enquiry questions’ Which technology invention is the most significant?’ We have enjoyed going on a technology walk around school to spot anything that uses technology.  We discussed what we already know about

Term 3- Week 6

Thursday 23rd February
Week 6 What a lovely last week of term 3! This week in phonics Year 1 have been recapping sounds: u-e (June, cube) and EYFS ai, ee, igh and oa. We have also been doing lots of sight word practise!

Term 3- Week 5

Friday 3rd February
Week 5 As Historians this week we have enjoyed looking at the different houses in Uphill. We looked at a modern house and compared it to the house with the thatched roof by the church. We then looked at what kinds of jobs people living in Uphill used