Home Learning Week Beginning 11.01.21

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all well?

All these resources and plans will be on a memo on tapestry.

Videos to support the teaching of phonics, maths and writing will be uploaded to Tapestry.

Assemblies with Mrs Hodder will be posted on a Monday and a Friday, please follow the link below:



Please find below the timetable and weekly expectations

EYFS year1 weekly expectations 11.01.21

Timetable for the week

Plans for the week

EYFS planning

Please click on the plans below-videos to support the plans on Tapestry.

EYFS phonics

Resources for phonics this week



EYFS Maths Plan week 2

Resources for maths this week

ten frame EYFS maths Weds

Space Subtraction eyfs maths Thursday

Writing planning for both EYFS and Year One

Please click on the plans below-videos to support the plans on Tapestry.

Year 1 EYFS writing plan 11.01.20

Resources for writing this week

Body and labels for Monday


Blank version of body

Astronaut for Tuesday

Temperature for the afternoon activities.


Year One planning

Week 2 yr 1 phonics

Resources for phonics this week

Alternative Pronunciation- Sorting game

11th Jan year 1 maths

Resources for maths this week

Number cards year 1 maths Tuesday

Wed activity

THurs activity

2D shapes year 1 maths Thursday Friday

Project plans for the week

Home Learning Project Grid Term 3 EYFS Y1