Week beg: 24.1.21

Tuesday 25th January
EYFS As part of our enquiry learning we found out about the first computer game called pong. (like table tennis) Can the children act this out to you?   This week in phonics we have learnt new sounds th (clown sticking out tongue)  and ng (weightlifting) Can you practice writing

Week beg: 17.1.22

Tuesday 18th January
EYFS This week we have been finding out about the first Tv broadcasts. We have enjoyed creating our on TV set boxes and acting out TV programs as a group.   In Phonics we have learnt new sounds: ch (train moving along ) sh ( sh baby asleep) Here is

Week beg: 10.1.22

Tuesday 11th January
EYFS This week we have been thinking about the changes in seasons and the cold weather we can have during the winter months. As part of our enquiry topic this term ‘ How has technology changed’ we looked at a new book called’ The Robot and the bluebird.’ Here is

Week beg: 13th December.

Tuesday 14th December
We had lots of fun at our Christmas party and really enjoyed a special visitor attending. This week in phonics we have been recapping all previous sounds and sight words taught. We look forward to sharing with you our cards and calendars we have made. Thank you

Week Beg: 6th December.

Tuesday 7th December
EYFS This week we are enjoying performing ‘Donkey for sale’ to our parents. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. In phonics we have been reinforcing all previous sounds taught and sight words. This is a game you can play at home to practise blending sounds together:

Term 2 week 5

Tuesday 30th November
EYFS This week in phonics we have been recapping sounds: h, b, f, ff, l, ll j,v, w, x. We have also been recapping sight words: I, go, to , the, no, go. Could you make post it notes with these sight words on and ask your child to jump

Term 2 week 4

Tuesday 23rd November
EYFS This week we have continued to look at our ‘Journey’ book. We have used a story S to draw pictures in order to retell the story. Here is the link to the story below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRsmuveKWuk Can your child retell the story in order? What happened first? At the start?

Term 2 week 3

Tuesday 16th November
EYFS   This week we have looked at a new class book ‘ Journey’ This book has no words so we had to look at the pictures to create the story. Following sharing the book each child drew a picture of their favourite part of the story. Here

Term 2 week 2 8.11.21

Tuesday 9th November
EYFS This week we have been very excited as  the year 1 children shared their maps with us to direct us to the postboxes in Uphill. We used their maps to find the postbox and delivery our letters to Father Christmas.   In phonics we have been learning some new

Term 1 week 6

Tuesday 19th October
Year 1: This we we have been writing our letters to Father Christmas. We are very excited about posting these after the half term break! In phonics we have been learning new sounds ph (phone), wh (whistle), oe (toe), ew (flew). This you tube clip recaps wh and ph.