Week Beg: 20.09.21

Tuesday 21st September
Hi all, We’ve looked more at our new book-My Map Book. We looked at the page a map of our hearts and map of our face. We thought about and draw all the things that were important to us in our own hearts. Year 1 children have created a detailed

Photos of week two

Friday 17th September
What a brilliant couple of weeks we’ve had settling into school. Below are some photographs of us enjoying our lunches, the classroom environment and making our Scarecrow for the Village event.         

Term 1 week 1

Tuesday 7th September
Welcome to school EYFS pupils. This week we have been getting to know our classroom and our new class friends. We have become familiar with classroom rules and routines. Year 1 children have enjoyed looking at our new book ‘ A song of Gladness’ We looked at the pictures and

Photos from this week 28.6.21

Friday 2nd July
This week we have spent lots of time outside in the sunshine and have had lots of fun! We’ve done some fantastic learning surrounding the history of vehicles and comparing their changes over the years. We have been looking at weight, using scales to measure it, and we have been

Photos from this week 21.6.21

Friday 25th June
We’ve had lots of fun this week, including sports day! The sun was shining and all of the children loved their morning. They tried so hard in their activities and races, they all congratulated their friends for any successes (showing great sportsmanship) and most importantly, had lots of fun! We

Photos from this week 14.6.21

Thursday 17th June
What an exciting, fun filled week we have had In EYFS and Year 1! We have had visits from so many amazing heroes this week! We had our caretaker, Robin, to tell us all about how he looks after out school. Tony the paramedic came in on Tuesday to speak

Photos from this week 7.6.21

Friday 11th June
We have had such an amazing week back after half term! We have started our project of real life heroes and have all got stuck in to learning all about them. We are preparing for some visitors next week so have thought of lots of fantastic questions to ask them.

Photos from this week 24.5.21

Thursday 27th May
What a lovely, sunny last week of term! This week in EYFS/year 1 we have beenon a  materials walk. We discussed different objects around the school, what material they are made from and why we think that material is suitable. We then looked at different natural vs manmade materials and

Photos from this week 17.5.21

Friday 21st May
This week in EYFS/Year 1 we had fun completing our comic book stories and making our Superhero capes! Once they were made we were scientists and tested them to make sure they were warm and waterproof. We then evaluated them and discussed what we could have done differently. We’ve done

Photos from this week 10.5.21

Friday 14th May
This week we have had great fun creating our own Superhero stories and comics! We looked at comics to identify their features and gather ideas. The children have been so creative and thought of such brilliant characters and plots. We’ve been discussing what material would be best for a new