Home Learning W.C 18th January

Home Learning for Year 3/4

Term 3 – Week 3

Please can we ask that any work completed at home is now submitted via Microsoft Teams using the assignment section, rather than emailing it as previously. The expectation for year 3/4 is as follows:

Maths – Please submit your work daily

English – Please submit your work for the week on a Friday by 1pm

Science – Please submit your work once a week after the lesson on Monday

If you are not sure how to do this here is a guide:  

How to submit work via teams

Any days your child is not in school please submit their learning. A member of the year 3/4 team will provide feedback on your work.

If you would like any further support, please contact a member of the year group team using the email below.

[email protected]

We look forward to seeing your work!

Timetable for Home Learning

Please follow the timetable below to complete this week’s tasks.

You can click on this link for an enlarged copy of the year 3/4 Home Learning Timetable

Home Learning W.C 18th January



Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (1)


This week in English we will be starting a new unit based on Non-Chronological Reports. You will need to submit your work for the week by lunchtime on Friday.

Link to the Video Presentation:


Supporting Documents:

Larger A3 version of the example text:

Non Chronological Report Example, a3

Lesson Presentation with audio, Monday 18th January

Non chronological report astronaut example

Comprehension worksheet


This week in science we will be learning about natural and human made rocks. Remember to submit your work using the assignment section on teams.

Link to the Video Presentation:


Lesson Presentation with audio:

powerpoint presentation with audio completed


Assembly with Mrs Hodder follow this link:




Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2)


WALT: identify features of a non-chronological report

Lesson Presentation:


Supporting Worksheet:

Non Chronological Report Example, a3

Worksheet, Tuesday 19th January 2021

Non chronological report astronaut example

Live Guided Reading Lesson for Year 4 1:15-1:45

Your teachers will teach you a live guided reading lesson at 1:15.

Use this link for Microsoft Teams

Once you are there, you will need your email address and password – these can be found inside the front cover of your home/school diary or red books.

Spelling Year 3 pm





Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (3)


Today in English we will be writing in the third person.

Lesson Presentation:


Supporting worksheet:

Non Chronological Report Example, a3

Worksheet, Wednesday 20th January 2021


This week in art we will continue to develop the use of tone when shading. Follow the presentation then complete the worksheet or draw straight into your red book.

Tone lesson 2 PowerPoint

Tonal Shading lesson 2 Activity Sheet


Mrs Dixon, our music teacher, has produced two music PowerPoints for the children to access. There is a separate one for Chandra class as they were to start music lessons this term.

Chandra Jan ’21 – Music&Me

Voyager and Sputnik Jan ’21 – Music In A Wider Context



Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (4)


WALT: Research      WALT: create a diagram with labels

Video Lesson Presentation:


Children can record their learning directly into their red books.

Website Link:


Live Guided Reading Lesson for Year 3 1:15-1:45

Your teachers will teach you a live guided reading lesson at 1:15.

Use this link for Microsoft Teams

Once you are there, you will need your email address and password – these can be found inside the front cover of your home/school diary or red books.

Spelling Lesson Year 4 pm


http://watch the short video clip to find out more about plurals.




Divide 3-digits by 1-digit


WALT: Plan

Don’t forget to send in your English work for this week via teams by 1pm so that your teacher can provide feedback. 

Video Presentation of the lesson:


Website link:


Supporting Worksheet:

Non Chronological Report Example, a3

Worksheet, Friday 22nd January

Website Link:


Apologies this link was missing first thing this morning (22/01/21) Hopefully this will help you complete your work now it’s here!



Project Presentation – Countries of Europe

Task for lesson – Identify European Countries and Cities worksheet

Optional Activity – European Cities Fortune Teller

Sumdog Contest

A North Somerset contest on Sumdog starts today. All three 3/4 classes have been entered and the more people that take part, the more chance we have of winning certificates and prizes. It lasts until 8pm next Thurs. Have fun taking part!

Use this link to take to you to sumdog to login – or enter using your app!

Celebration Assembly with Mrs Hodder and Mrs Tinker, follow this link


If you experience any issues with finding any of these lessons or resources, let us know using the Year 3/4 email.